Tuesday, 22 October 2013


How does the lesson affect me on my study?
In this tutorial we are required to identify the theories behind communicative language teaching approach.
Based on what we have done it really affect me on my study because I will not just only use this knowledge for my assignment or final exam but I will also use it for my lesson in the future. The theories behind CLT also help us in creating our material for teaching other than that we are also required to refer to the KBSM so that we can really understand what we are doing, with that we can understand what we are dealing with.  
Does the tutorial helps me on increasing my prior knowledge? 
It really does helps me on increasing my prior knowledge because as I said before it will help me in my assignments, exams and future lesson for my future students. We already learned about CLT before but with this tutorial it increased our knowledge on what CLT is all about.  
Can I use this knowledge later on?
I can really use this knowledge later on. Future lesson for my future students will not go smoothly if I did not learn about this.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

WEEK 2 What influenced the building of materials development

1) Principle of SLA influenced the developing of material through theories that have been introduced in SLA.
 -Exposing language in authentic use: things that we do everyday actually play a big role in developing the material for example as easy as starting a conversation or reading, watching or listening English material, if students like to watch English movie or cartoon we can relate the story that they have watched in building the materials.
-Develop confidence: some students have problems with their confidence, what we doesn’t know is those who quiet actually have lot of thought but they are unable to talk about it because of their level of confidence. In order for us to build the material consider those who are quiet, meaning that the material can stimulate the student’s confidence.
2) Principle of teaching and learning.
-Helps learners to feel at ease: using textbook as the only learning material will make the lesson a little boring, with the used of other materials such as graphic, video or audio visual can enhance the lesson quality.
-Maximize learning potential: to build a good material for students teachers have to look through what the students have achieved in their previous lesson therefore the material that teachers have to develop must enhance the students prior knowledge.   
3) Learners + parent’s goal
-Materials that we develop should not always cater their interest but the materials should at least stimulate their interest in learning rather than demolishing the dust, as you can see learners and parent’s goal are connected to each other, this is because both of them share something which is motivation. From the learners point of view we call it intrinsic motivation where students develop their interest within themselves while from the parent point of view its extrinsic motivation where parents motivate their child in learning.
4) Country’s vision + Curriculum goals & objectives
- Both of them connected to each other. For example, other groups have mention about “Celik IT” and ability to speak English. Our country need the students to master in both IT and English therefore the material that we should develop must have the ability to boost the students knowledge about IT  and English. Other than that parent’s goal and country’s vision are connected as well, parent want their children to learn and acquire knowledge therefore the country’s vision have to consider what the parent want, PIBG or PTA here are main roles in building the visions.      


Based on the tutorial that we have done I realize that there are lot of things that influence the building of materials development. As a future teacher material development helps teachers on giving lesson to their students, there are things that should be considered on building the materials. How does the lesson affect me on my study? It clearly shows that the lesson have opened our mind on how materials work in lesson and how it connected with the development of students. The tutorial was not meant for just answering an exam in our final but it will also helps us in the future to deal with our students for example principle of SLA and teaching and learning guide us on how to make sure our material can be successful in teaching lesson to students.           
Does the tutorial helps me on increasing my prior knowledge? To be exact, at first I thought that building materials for lesson rely on the teacher but I was wrong. To build a good material needs to have several views for example learner, parent’s goal and country’s view. Without those things the materials will not suit the lesson and maybe the materials will not be materials that help students to develop their knowledge. Teachers have to be concern on student’s interest so that they can relate their materials thus making their lesson more engaging. Other than that parent’s goal and country’s view can share one specific goal which is having a great future for the children, for example they want their children to have confidence and enthusiasm in learning therefore teachers must play their role in making their lesson more engaging.

Can I use this knowledge later on? I would say absolutely yes. Why? Because this lesson is not just for exam but it’s actually a knowledge that will helps us later on when we are in our class teaching the next generation.