Sunday 30 September 2012

Causes of motor vehicle accidents.

Every year the number of motor vehicles are increasing, based from the JPJ statistic on 2011 the number of registered vehicle in Malaysia has passed 21.25 million units an increase of 11.78% compare to 2009 which are only 19.01 million units, simultaneously the increasing of motor vehicle increase the number of motor vehicle accidents, no matter how carefull someone is in driving  there are always some driver that causes an accident. There are some causes that involved motor vehicle accidents which are driving under the influence of alcohol,operating a mobile phone while driving and poor vehicles maintenance. 

1.driving under the influence of alcohol.
2.operating a mobile phone while driving.
3.poor vehicles maintenance.


  1. Dear Sherman

    Topic sentences are written in full sentences. Could you turn the three main ideas into topic sentences?
