Monday, 17 September 2012

Using social networking tools to teach?

Using social networking tools to teach student to write in English, it is effective?. We know that social networking tools such as facebook,twitter, and tumbler is something that teenagers nowadays must have, this thing have been so familiar to them. What if we use this social networking tools to teach them to write in English. There is a lot of benefits and negative feedback using this social networking tools. Advantages of using this thing can be divided into creativity and stress level, for creativity student can have their freedom in writing anything they want, doesn’t matter what are they trying to write as long as there is someone who can correct their mistake in part of grammar and spelling. Trying to help each other in facebook will motivate this student because they will know what is right and what is wrong in writing. Other than that social network tolls can boost student cooperative and collaboration level because they are helping each other and trying to correct each other and simultaneously release stress in studying writing in English because there are no facial contact between student them self and student with their teacher, we know some student can be so shy when dealing something in front of their teacher but with the help of social networking tools  they will feel less stress. Other than that student don’t have to feel stress about time and place to access this network tools, there are no specific time to access this social network tools so student don’t have worry about it, place to access network is everywhere so student don’t have to be in one specific place to access network and learn English. Even though there are a lot of benefits in using social networking tools as a medium to learn writing in English there are still have some negative draw back, negative feedback can be divided into two, first is about vocabulary, using short form is largely spread so student use this short form in their chat and texting and this affect their English writing. Because of freedom in writing on facebook student forget about their grammar and spelling, we can see lots of incorrect grammar and spelling in their writing. One of the most common problem using network is distraction, social network such as facebook provided users to have games and other application, this thing makes student attracted to play and use the games and application. Eventhough there are lots of place to access network there are still some place which don’t have internet connection for example village and rural area. If they don’t have internet connection they can’t access their social networking tools and this will be difficult for them to study. As for me we still have to look on this three perspective which is student, teacher and parents,we have to ask for their consideration regarding to this program.
As for me social networking tools can be practical and sometimes not, its depends on the situation and place. Who knows maybe one day every single student must have facebook account in school so they can socializing while studying or maybe who knows someday facebook will be a burden for parents and teachers to teach students.

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